Space Combat HUD Design
I'm trying to incorporate the same clean and simple look from the character and planet design into the UI. I've taken some inspiration from one of my favourite space combat games, Freespace.

The gauges reflect thruster (outer left), booster (inner left), shields (outer right), and hull integrity (inner right).

Aiming at an enemy target's lead indicator (the small X that shows where you should aim to intercept the target) will cause your reticule to change color. The center of the reticule will follow the target as well, which hopefully makes it obvious that there is some aim assist.

Posted: 2015-09-14
New Ship Design
Revised the ship design. The player and his ship has a white base, with orange, blue, and green as secondary colors. This will visually separate the player from the enemies, which will tend to have a dark grey base, and red highlights.

Posted: 2015-09-14
I've been developing a conversation system. Conversations will take place on planets, and in your ship.

Conversations are graphs, and there are different types of nodes. Primarily, there are NPC and Player dialog nodes, and I'm adding conditional branching, variable assignment, and a few other flow-control node types.

The editor

In-game example

Posted: 2015-05-29
Physics Test
Testing out Bullet Physics for space battles.

Posted: 2015-03-04
Gameplay Teaser and Dev Blog

Follow Enso's development on TIGSource!

Posted: 2015-09-14

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